Detailed interactive map Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. To the west, north and east it borders with India, to the south-east - with Myanmar, to the south it is washed by waters of the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean.
Climate: subtropical monsoon. Temperature: Winter (November - February) - max 29°C, min 9°C. Summer (April - September) - max 34°C, min 21°C.
The main rivers: the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna.
Major agricultural crops: rice, wheat, jute, tea, tobacco, sugar cane.
The first historical reference to organized political life of the region of Bangladesh is related to the invasion of Alexander of Macedon to India in 326 BC. Islam began to spread on the territory of Bangladesh in the Middle Ages. The period of Muslim rule is from 1204 till 1757. June 23, 1757, with the advent of East India Company, a period of British rule, lasted until 1947, has began. In 1947, the territory of East Bengal went to Pakistan. In 1971, the People\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Republic of Bangladesh was established at the territory of East Pakistan as a result of the war for independence.
Bangladesh is one of the countries with the highest population density. Overpopulation and poverty have become a real disaster here. Recurrent military conflicts and revolutions cause to complete undermining of the economy.
Bangladesh is a country unfairly overlooked by tourists. This is a country of unspoiled nature, unparalleled beauty of rivers, forests, lakes and hills.
Tourists, interested in archeology, will spend unforgettable vacations in Bangladesh.