Grenada country


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Grenada - Island with mountainous terrain and a coastline with coral reefs, bays and plenty of comfortable beaches. Entertainment: yachting, diving, deep sea fishing, golf etc

Grenada, an island state in the south-eastern Caribbean, is situated on the island of Grenada and the southern part of the Grenadines islands in the group of the Lesser Antilles, in 120 kilometers to the north of Trinidad. The capital of the country - Saint Georges. Official language - English.
Grenada is an Island of volcanic origin. Wooded mountain range occupies the centre of the island. The highest peak is Saint Catherine Mount (840 m). At the top of mountain range there are some volcanic craters filled with lakes. There are very few rivers on the island, but a lot of streams and springs. Coastal part of the island is lowland. Long beaches are covered with black volcanic sand. The climate is tropical, trade wind with rainy period from May to October. Hurricane season lasts from July to October. The average annual temperature is about + 26 ° C. In Grenada there are practically no wild animals, but a lot of birds. The coastal waters are rich in fish, crustaceans and mollusks.
Columbus discovered the island in 1498. Since then, from time to time state power in Grenada passed from Britain to France and vice versa, until according the Versailles Treaty it finally ceded to Great Britain in 1783. In 1974 the country proclaimed its independence.
The main contribution into economy of modern Grenada bring tourism and offshore financial business. Over 70% of tourists arrive to the country on ocean liners. Island of Carriacou is one of the major yachting centers of the Eastern Caribbean. In late July carnival and sailing regatta are held here. International Fishing Tournament is annually held at the Spice Island in January. Pure water, coral reefs and rich underwater fauna make Grenada a paradise for lovers of scuba diving. In the state’s capital - St. George's, the following attractions deserve a special attention: the Parliament building - York House (18 th century), a branch of the West Indies University, the National Museum in former French barracks, the Botanical Garden “Bay Gardens”.


Grenada - Island with mountainous terrain and a coastline with coral reefs, bays and plenty of comfortable beaches. Entertainment: yachting, diving, deep sea fishing, golf etc

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