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Cathedral of the Annunciation (Russia)
The elegant nine-domed Cathedral of the Annunciation, built in 15th century in tradition of Moscow and Pskov architectural schools, was a family chapel of Moscow Grand Princes
Cathedral of the Archangel (Russia)
The Archangel Cathedral on the Sobornaya Square of Kremlin was built at the beginning of 16th century in the traditions of Russian and Italian architecture by the Venetian Aleviz Novy
Sobornaya Square is surrounded by Palace of Facets, Patriarch's Palace, Dormition, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals, Deposition Church and Ivan the Great Bell Tower
The Dormition Cathedral, a monumental temple, built in 15th century by Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti, is the most sacred place of Russia, its former spiritual and political center
Ekaterininsky Hall, Grand Kremlin Palace (Russia)
Luxuriously decorated Ekaterininsky Hall, formerly the throne room of Russian empresses, was named in honour of the only one in Russia award for ladies, the Order of Saint Catherine
Georgievsky Hall, Grand Kremlin Palace (Russia)
The magnificent white and gold Georgievsky Hall is the largest and grandest hall of Kremlin Palace; it is named in honour of military order of Saint George
The Grand Kremlin Palace, built by the order of Nicholas I by a group of architects under the direction of K.A. Thon, at present serves as an official residence of the Head of State
Imperial family's private chambers (Russia)
Imperial family's private chambers - an impressive enfilade of living and representative rooms with luxurious interiors, located on the ground floor of the Grand Kremlin Palace
Ivan the Great Bell Tower (Russia)
Ivan the Great Bell Tower is the everyday name for the Church and Bell Tower of Saint John Climacus; the tallest building in the Kremlin, a miracle of Russian architecture of 16th century
The Kremlin Armoury Museum, located in the building by architect K. Thon, possesses a large collection of weapons and masterpieces of decorative and applied arts
The Kremlin Arsenal is an ounstanding monument of military architecture of Peter the Great epoch, meant to glorify the valour of Russian nation and the strength of Russian weapon
The Kremlin Senate building by architect M. Kazakov is an excellent example of the Moscow Classicism style; today it serves as an official residence of the President of Russia
Kremlin Walls and Towers (Russia)
The existing Kremlin Walls and Towers were erected in 1465-95 by best Russian and Italian architects on the place of the old white-stone fortifications of the Dmitry Donskoy epoch
Kutafya Tower is the only one bridgehead tower remaining in the Kremlin today; it was erected in 1516 under the supervision of the Milanese architect Aleviz Fryazin
Lenin's Study and Apartment in the Kremlin (Russia)
In the museum "Lenin's Study and Apartment in the Kremlin" on the second floor of the Senate building is recreated an atmosphere, in which lived and worked the eminent politician
Kremlin is a greatest masterpiece of Russian architecture, standing out among many world architectural monuments for integrity, completeness and striking beauty of its ensemble
Palace of Facets, built in 1491 by architects Solari and Ruffo as a throne room for state receptions at Tzar's court, today is used as the official representative hall of Russian government
The Patriarch's Palace, which Russian masters have built by order of Patriarch Nikon, is one of the best monuments of civil architecture of the middle of 17th century in Moscow
State Kremlin Palace (formerly known as the Kremlin Palace of Congresses) was built in 1961 on the place of old Kremlin Armoury; the largest center of social, political and cultural life
The most picturesque Terem Palace, a new for its time type of multistoried stone living building with enfilade arrangement of rooms, is a true masterpiece of civil architecture of 17th cent.
The monumental Troitskaya Tower, constructed 1n 1495-99 by Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanets, is the tallest tower of the Moscow Kremlin and the main on its west side
The huge Tsar Cannon weighing more than 39000 tons was cast of bronze in 1586 by A. Chokhov; it is a monument of Russian artillery and a masterpiece of Russian foundry art
Tsarina Golden Palace (Russia)
Tsarina Golden Palace, a part of the Kremlin palace complex, an official reception room of Russian tsarinas; gained its name because of walls, decorated with paintings on a ground of gold
The enormous Tzar Bell, which has no equal in weight and size in the world, is the most unique masterpiece of Russian bell founding art of 18th century
Verkhospassky Cathedral (Russia)
Verkhospassky Cathedral by Terem Palace is a complex of several family chapels, covered by one roof, adorned with eleven elegant domes with delicate openwork crosses